The Way of the Force – A Jedi Reading of the Tao Te Ching

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Written 14th-28th July 2014

Because I felt it relevant to my path, I recently produced a Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching, analysing it verse-by-verse for Jedi insights.

I should add that as time goes on, my conception of the Force is largely synonymous with the Tao. As such I haven’t sought to “correct” things in line with our Doctrine, only to draw out parallels where relevant.

I’ve used a combination of my favourite translations of this familiar text to complete my reading, including but not limited to Addiss and Lombardo (1993), Stephen Mitchell (1988), and Ron Hogan (2004).

I know this isn’t the only Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching available, but it’s the only one I’m aware of which is not simply the result of taking an existing translation, replacing the word ‘Tao’ with ‘the Force’, and ‘sage’ with ‘Jedi’.

  1. Words are an imperfect way of making sense of the Force.
  2. Duality is humanity’s ordinary way of understanding reality.
  3. Our true nature is not based in duality.
  4. The Force is infinite.
  5. The Force is indifferent.
  6. The Force will remain a mystery.
  7. The Force is old and vast.
  8. Jedi follow the Force’s lead.
  9. Jedi avoid excess.
  10. The Force is the true nature of all we experience.
  11. Emptiness is the best state to rest in.
  12. The world is full of distractions.
  13. Dualities are false perceptions in both directions.
  14. The Force is transcendent.
  15. Perfection is not necessary for harmony.
  16. Jedi prefer stillness.
  17. Jedi are subtle.
  18. Jedi are not pompous.
  19. Jedi are open-minded.
  20. Jedi do not over-think things.
  21. Jedi remain focused on the Force.
  22. Jedi work with duality.
  23. Jedi do not cling.
  24. Jedi practice moderation.
  25. The Force is formless.
  26. Balance is essential to living.
  27. Jedi don’t create a stir.
  28. Jedi are not partisan.
  29. Jedi do not try to control things.
  30. Jedi use the Force to lead people.
  31. Jedi reject weapons.
  32. The Force can’t be perceived “directly”.
  33. Self-knowledge is wisdom.
  34. The Force is in everything.
  35. Those in harmony with the Force are attractive.
  36. Jedi are patient.
  37. The Force does not “do” anything.
  38. Jedi find integrity natural.
  39. The Force is enough.
  40. The action of the Force is return.
  41. The Force affects people differently.
  42. The Force is the root of everything.
  43. Softness overcomes hardness.
  44. Jedi prioritise.
  45. The Force can seem “imperfect”.
  46. The Force teaches acceptance.
  47. The Force is right here.
  48. Jedi focus on the Force.
  49. Jedi are not stubborn.
  50. Death, yet the Force.
  51. The Force is something different to all creatures.
  52. The Force is the only source.
  53. Following the Force is always right.
  54. The Force endures through generations.
  55. Jedi minds are like the minds of children.
  56. Wisdom speaks for itself.
  57. The Force presents a model of leadership.
  58. Good leaders encourage simplicity.
  59. Jedi lead through moderation.
  60. Treating things appropriately prevents harm.
  61. Power tends to grow.
  62. The Force is refuge for everyone.
  63. Jedi do without doing.
  64. Jedi use the opportune moment.
  65. Jedi keep things simple.
  66. The Force is like an ocean.
  67. The Force and the Jedi path can seem ridiculous.
  68. Jedi avoid conflict.
  69. Jedi exercise restraint.
  70. Jedi are realistic.
  71. Jedi are self-aware.
  72. Authority is restrictive.
  73. Jedi act as required.
  74. All that happens is of the Force.
  75. Authority interrupts the natural order.
  76. Jedi are soft and yielding.
  77. The potential of the Force is like a bow.
  78. The nature of the Force is like water.
  79. Failure is an opportunity.
  80. Small communities can achieve great contentment.
  81. Truth is not always beautiful.

Words are an imperfect way of making sense of the Force.

What’s behind all names is a unity, a totality and wholeness which we are also part of, and by naming this we think of it as a distinct object in some sense. It’s not, and in fact the very concept of “distinct objects” is false. In reality there is only one thing: the Force.

There’s no easy way to understand what’s behind the names because that’s how our brains are wired, but if we manage to clear the fog of concepts and delusion for a second we can feel this connectedness and unity of things.

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